
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Consider the ways in which Margaret Atwood Essay

   â€Å"I used to dress like that. That was freedom† / I’m looking down, at the sidewalk, mesmerised by the woman’s feet† This however is countered by â€Å"We are fascinated, but also repelled. They seem undressed. It has taken so little time to change our minds, about things like this† This clear distinction between how she’s expected to feel and how she actually feels becomes distorted as we are unable to define where one starts and the ends. This however is not the first time and this help gain interest into Offred, as one wonders how much she’s begging to believe what she’s being told. This is one of the defining aspects of the novel during the opening chapters as Offred’s characters is never directly revealed to the reader as she sways between survival and ambition. As each chapter unfolds we are offered more into the feelings of Offred into the society of Gilead however it is often difficult to determine what comes from herself and what is simply repeated from the Aunts. The Japanese also act as a way for Atwood to ask of Offred what the reader clearly wants to ask; â€Å"Are you happy†. To this Offred eventually answers â€Å"Yes, we are very happy† however by the text surrounding her answer it is clear to the reader how she really feels. This novel is at heart an exploration of individuality and the need in human nature to express one’s own personality through freedom of thought and speech. In order to complete this at an effective level Atwood has had to create Gilead, a society with a complete blindness to the needs of its individuals, for reasons that become apparent as the novel continues. The severity of Gilead’s members’ loss of control over their own lives is highlighted by Atwood on many occasions during the first 5 sections. â€Å"She wanted me to feel as that I could not come in the house unless she said so. There is much push and shove over such toehold these days. † This quote appears shortly after Offred offers a description of the Commander’s wife in her past, as a television celebrity. â€Å"she could smile and cry at the same time, one tear or two sliding gracefully down her cheek, as if on cue†. The stark contrast between the later quote and the action of Serena Joy once under the control of Gilead offers insight into how the society has affected the lives of everybody, not only the handmaid, as everyone makes a desperate grab for some form of power. Atwood chooses not to give the handmaid a name during the first 5 chapters and this helps distance her from the reader and re-iterate her lack of individuality. This creates interest as the reader questions firstly whether she has a name and secondly what her motives are for not telling us, is she ashamed, afraid? We know from her time at the red centre that names were very precious to them, maybe they’re considered unnecessary for a woman of her position. This adds further mystery to her tale and encourages the reader to continue so that they can understand more into the society. The extremety of Atwood’s fictional society takes the novel into an area often described as Sci-fi, here though, we are shown Atwood’s most important trait; the incredible personalised style of writing associated with her novels. This, alone, is what separates â€Å"The handmaid’s tale† from other books of a similar concept, as by using a first person perspective Atwood is able to explore rather then describe Gilead and therefore the society appears more definite and believable, all of which helps the novel become more interesting during the opening 5 sections. Many details into the society are left undescribed, we know of an existing war through the talk of the frontline, ration books and the loss of Central America to the â€Å"Libertheos†, however Offred never offers more than this. It appears as though this is because Offred expects to know a certain amount into the society of Gilead already, as though we are expected to read this book in the aftermath of the society. A secret diary almost The readers interest is maintained throughout the opening 5 chapters by masking the character of Offred, Giving hints towards a possible escape or ending in another manner and by slowly introducing an unusual society which has clearly developed in America from the present existing population. Offred’s character is masked by; Not introducing the reader to her by name, quoting the opinions of others in order to create confusion as to what she truly believes, contrasting her past actions and beliefs with those actions in which she participates in the present and that which she feels now. The hints into escape, of some form, are offered in two main forms; Through her understanding of the actions of others in order to end their own life and her seeming acceptance of the reasoning behind it and her continued rebellious nature in always looking for a way to break and bend rules. The society unfolds in front of the reader in a mixture of normality and genuine discontentment, prompting the question How, When and Why? All this ensures one’s desire to discover more into the life of Offred, the society she lives in and her intentions for the future. Tom Smith 2002 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Margaret Atwood section.

Frankenstein Monologue †the Monster Essay

‘But your not what I thought it would be, I thought I was making an angel !’ were the first words I heard when I came to life. He doesn’t think I’m an angel, well if he doesn’t think I’m good enough to be his angel then so be it. Nobody will be able to judge me, pick on me when I run away, far away into the deepest depths of the forest where the wolves attack. As i ran up to the small house, when I heard her voice she sounded so sweet, she was so sweet. She was the first person who actually cared for me, who actually talked to me without trying to kill me. She believed I was good, then he came and hurt me. He thought I was nothing, that I had no feelings but little did he know I would destroy the whole town. He didn’t even let me talk, he just took one look at me and thought I was bad, that I would hurt people but as soon as he shot me I changed. I no longer was the creature that tried to love and be loved by all, no I was the creature that people would fear most! I would care for no one, as they didn’t care about me. They turned me bad, they turned me evil! I would get revenge, I would get revenge for the very first words I heard. I didn’t think about anything at that moment, I only thought about what I was about to do. When I saw him playing he seemed so peaceful but they are all the same, they all think the same. It was the very first time I laughed. It felt good to finally get revenge on frankenstein, to destroy his world like he destroyed mine. The day finally came, the day that Frankenstein fears most. The day when I killed his brother was the day he promised he would make me a partner. That day 2 years ago was the first time I acted like a human being and I did it out of all of the rage and anger that had been building up inside of me. I would finally feel complete once she comes alive, once I can finally hold her in my arms.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Kyoto Protocol Essay

The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that aims at reduction of Green House Gases (GHGs) and others like CFCs. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005. Currently, there are 192 Parties (191 States and 1 regional economic integration organization) to the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC. Participation in the Kyoto Protocol, where dark green indicates countries that have signed and ratified the treaty and yellow indicates states that have signed and hope to ratify the treaty. Notably, Australia and the United States have signed but, currently, decline to ratify it. Participating countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol have committed to cut emissions of not only carbon dioxide, but of also other greenhouse gases, like, Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). The goals of Kyoto were to see participants collectively reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2% below the emission levels of 1990. This goal is to be achieved by the year 2012. While the 5.2% figure is a collective one, individual countries were assigned higher or lower targets and some countries were permitted increases. Recognizing that developed countries are principally responsible for the current high levels of GHG emissions in the atmosphere as a result of more than 150 years of industrial activity, the Protocol places a heavier burden on developed nations. Under the Protocol, 37 industrialized countries and the European Union (called â€Å"Annex I countries†) commit themselves to a reduction of four greenhouse gases (GHG) and two groups of gases (hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons) produced by them and all other member countries give general commitments. The total percentage of Annex I Parties emissions is 63.7%. Any Annex 1 country that fails to meet its Kyoto Protocol target will be penalized by having its reduction targets decreased by 30% in the next period India and China, which have rati fied the Kyoto protocol, are not obligated to reduce greenhouse gas production at the moment as they are developing countries; i.e. they weren’t seen as the main culprits for emissions during the period of industrialization thought to be the cause for the global warming of today. This is a little odd given that China is about to overtake the USA in emissions, but take into account the major differences in population and that much of the production in these countries is fuelled by demand from the West and influence from the West on their own culture. As a result of this loophole, the West has effectively outsourced much of its carbon emissions to China and India. The Protocol allows Annex I countries to meet their GHG emission limitations by several â€Å"flexible mechanisms†, such as emissions trading (interms of carbon credits/Kyoto credits), the clean development mechanism (CDM) and joint implementation which are described below: †¢ If participant countries continue with emissions above the targets, then they are required to engage in emissions trading. Emission trading allows the countries to purchase GHG emission reductions credits from other countries that do not need to reduce their GHG emissions. †¢ The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allows developed countries to undertake projects to reduce emissions in developing countries to generate Kyoto units. †¢ Joint Implementation (JI) allows developed countries to undertake projects to reduce emissions in other developed countries to generate Kyoto units. †¢ Carbon Credits – Indian Scenario †¢ Carbon credits and carbon markets are a component of national and international attempts to mitigate the growth in concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs). One carbon credit is equal to reduction of one ton of carbon dioxide, or in some markets, carbon dioxide equivalent gases. The goal is to allow market mechanisms to drive industrial and commercial processes in the direction of low emissions of GHGs into the atmosphere. †¢ During Kyoto protocol, allocation of carbon credits or Kyoto credits was made to different countries. Each credit gives the owner the right to emit one metric ton of carbon dioxide or other equivalent greenhouse gas. If a country exceeds its emission quota, it has to pay for it in three possible mechanisms to get back the credits, and thus GHG emissions become expensive for the emitters. The three mechanisms are as follows: †¢ Mechanims I – Emission Trading: Countries that have not used up their quotas can sell their unused allowances as carbon credits, while others that are about to exceed their quotas can buy them. †¢ Mechanism II – Clean Development Mechanism: Developed countries (responsible for high GHG emissions, listed as Annex I countries) can start GHG reduction projects in relatively un-developed country (listed as non-annex countries). The purpose of this mechanism is to encourage clean development in developing countries. CDM rights are given only to Annex I countries. †¢ Mechanism III – Joint Implementation Mechanism: A developed country with relatively high cost of setting up of GHG reduction project, will set it in some other developed country. This way, countries can reduce their GHG reduction costs at the same time contribute to Global GHG reduction. An example for a JI project is replacing coal thermal project with a more efficient combined heat and power project. At present Russia and Ukraine are having highest number of JI projects. †¢ †¢ Carbon credits can be gained even by individuals within a country by developing projects that reduce GHG emissions. Several private and government organizations are existing now for sale and purchase of carbon credits. †¢ The actual value of each credit may vary, subject to the market position. Currently its value is about 12-20 Euros. †¢ Indian Scenario: †¢ India has generated approximately 30 Million carbon credits and approximately 140 million in run, the second highest transacted volumes in the world. India’s carbon market is growing faster than even information technology, bio technology and BPO sectors as 850 projects with a huge investment of Rs 650,000 million are in pipeline. As per the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change, the revenue from 200 projects is estimated at Rs. 97 billion till 2012. †¢ India has been able to register approximately 350 projects spread across various sectors with major dominance of renewable energy, energy efficiency and biomass energy projects. †¢ Renewable energy status in India †¢ Carbon, like any other commodity, has begun to be traded on India’s Multi Commodity Exchange and has become first exchange in Asia to trade carbon credits. †¢

Monday, July 29, 2019

Deerfield Massacre Response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Deerfield Massacre Response - Assignment Example These are appropriately done to produce the right cue. The lighting technique was appropriate and realistic because, a part from suiting each of the scenes, it managed to manipulate the moods of the audience based on what the actors were doing. In terms of acting, the film featured quite entertaining and comical actors. They were so believable because they were featuring the real traits of the characters. What makes them fulfill their roles is the manner in which they handle themselves. For example, I was so pleased by the manner the actor kept on talking alone and dancing himself to the tunes of his music (Kenneth 39). Besides, the organization of the film enabled the actors to be audible and loud enough to be heard by any audience. I was particularly impressed by the protagonist who thrilled e by comically using gestures, movements and cordially relating with other characters throughout the film. The other important element included in this film is consumes. Each of the actors chose the right and most appropriate costume. Each of these matched their roles, behaviors, characters and personal traits displayed throughout the action. It makes them be as admirable as they comically interact with one another. For example, the protagonist is really entertaining because he behaves weirdly especially when enjoying his music in a lonely room (Kenneth). Thus, I agree that the Drowsy Chaperone is an entertaining film. Its cinematography techniques are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Epic of Gilgamesh OR a biography of one of the Roman Emperors by Essay

The Epic of Gilgamesh OR a biography of one of the Roman Emperors by the Roman historian Suetonius in his Lives of the Caesars - Essay Example Gilgamesh heard about him from a hunter who had spotted him at the river taking a bath. The hunter or trapper as they were best known went and told his father, who eventually send him to Gilgamesh so that he would give him a temple prostitute who would seduce Enkidu. He returned with Shamhat. The following day they waited for Enkidu to reappear so that they would send the prostitute who seduced him eventually. On his reappearance, the prostitute seduced him and they made love for six days and seven nights. In the end the animals in the wilderness did not accept him again. Shamhat made a preposition to him to accompany her to Uruk. Enkidu accepted especially since he was curious of who this Gilgamesh is. He and Shamhat set to leave for Uruk the following day On their way there the following day they were shocked at Gilgamesh‘s ways. At the camp they stopped over, Gilgamesh was to sleep with the bride on the eve of her wedding before her husband slept with her. Enkidu was enraged by this act of inhumanness towards people by Gilgamesh. He was now determined to stop Gilgamesh and his acts. In the meantime Gilgamesh was having dreams of the arrival of Enkidu. So he was well prepared for him on his arrival. When the two met up a fight broke out well as expectedGilgamesh triumphed over Enkidu, but this was a changing moment for him. He finally became friends with Enkidu. Enkidu in return tells Gilgamesh about a beast in the cedar forest (McCaughrean, 110). They went to forest together with the god of the sun they defeated the beast. On their way back. Gilgamesh met Ishtar. Ishtar was a spiteful lover. Gilgamesh learnt this and rejected her eventually. She was offended and asked Anu to punish him for that. Sorrow descended upon the peopl e of Uruk as hundreds of them died in the hands of The Bull of Heaven. Both Gilgamesh and Enkidu joined hands and killed the beast. In the end Gilgamesh went to mount Mashu in pursuit of immortality. While there he was told that

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How a Glorified Vision of an Ideal Family Has Been Exploited Time Term Paper

How a Glorified Vision of an Ideal Family Has Been Exploited Time - Term Paper Example Names and photographs, if possible, arranged in the shape of a tree with branches, signify nature of relationship i.e. genetic or through marriage. Family histories more often recorded in family bibles, help trace relations that may have drifted off and revived them for sentimental and occasionally practical reasons. For instance, in case of proving an inheritance, these family trees are useful in establishing and tracking down relations that may have been lost in the sands of time. At one level, family though may mean a group of individuals bound together by the genetic makeup, at another level, it also stands for national identity. The family tree, an illustration by Norman Rockwell, symbolizes the concept of an American family at a national level. His illustration for the 1959 October edition of Saturday Evening Post cover shows a family tree filled with an array of faces, illustrating the eventful phases of history. The family tree comprising Yankees, Yeomen, Buccaneers, Confederates, Spanish beauties, Puritans and Aristocrats showcases America as a melting pot of cultures. Instead of depicting pilgrims at Plymouth rock as the beginning of American history, Rockwell preferred to illustrate pirates looting European ships carrying treasures, shown by ships from both ends and the coming together of pirates and European aristocrats through marriage (at the base of the family tree). Rockwell chose to depict the Civil War through union and confederate soldiers portraying how diverse elements went into the forming of a new entity instead of using slaves to do so. The presence of mountain man and a tribal woman goes to show how various cultures and tribes were amalgamated into the history eventually giving rise to a broad and a tolerant outlook encasing the 'spirit of America'. However, it is debatable to judge the illustration as a representation of the American entity since it is marked by the absence of Mexican and Asian faces.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Contemporary Rhetorical Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contemporary Rhetorical Analysis - Term Paper Example Moreover, aside from being the greatest leader he could be, he had also proven himself of how the greatest speaker he could be. On the eve of Quit India Movement on August 8, 1942, Gandhi had communicated his Quit India speech which was a call for a determined but a passive resistance. Given this brief background, this essay would obtain observation and insights on Mahatma Gandhi’s â€Å"Quit India† through the use of rhetorical analysis while focusing on the metaphors of the said rhetoric. Upon my analysis of â€Å"Quit India,† I could say that his speech was definitely one excellent illustration of what was called a good rhetoric. Mahatma Gandhi’s Quit India was a really persuasive speech for it was indeed a success for him to appeal his audience’s rational, emotional and principled sense. His speech which was motivational and inspirational, was effective in moving his audience into a non – violent and passive movement against the British power. His ideas, attitudes, stand, and even his own self had been victorious in influencing his fellow Indian citizens through â€Å"Quit India.† Furthermore, Gandhi’s manner of style was not directed to any particular class or group of Indian people. He used the word â€Å"we† in some portions of his speech instead of just referring to himself to address an audience who were diverse in terms of their culture and religion. His speech had not appealed any divided sector of Indians but he called for unity when he said Hindus and Muslims must forget about their differences in identity but what should remain in them was their Indian identity. By the word â€Å"we,† whether they were not totally the same, they were one because they were all Indians. For me, in my attempt to discover his worldview, I could say that democracy would only begin once Indians had forgotten the differences in their being Hindus or Indians. It was only through forgetting their differences that would start their unity and equality.

Pharmacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pharmacy - Essay Example Another challenge that will be faced by pharmacists in the upcoming years (as it is today, too) is staying up-to-date. A pharmacist is expected to be in step with all possible new information in his/her field. This means being aware and familiar with the new medical information that is released and new meds that are developed and put on sale. As the information in our field is constantly changing, it is paramount to stay in the know. A pharmacist can overcome this challenge decently with help of keeping a close watch on medical news, reading current medical journals and participating in Continuous Education (CE) programs. In general, a pharmacist should seek out information that will broaden his/her horizons and improve overall knowledge. Regardless of the field of pharmacology we are involved in, we will need to interact with patients for sure. This is the part of work that will stay unchangeable and relevant forever. Although this challenge may be looming for some of us, working with patients is an integral part of pharmacy. The specificity of the target group pharmacists work with and considering all the characteristic aspects are very important. Thus, pharmacists should work on a patient-friendly communication style. It is important that complex medical information is delivered to patients in a way easily understood by them. Moreover, our target group typically includes people who are not in the pink, i.e. suffering from pain or illness. That should be kept in mind when working with patients in order to approach them with respect and provide qualified assistance. As pharmacists we all will face many complicated tasks and challenges during our professional career. However, right attitude, appropriate communication style and growing knowledge base, could help us to turn challenges into personally and professionally rewarding experiences. As my primary goal is to gain profound knowledge and professional qualification that would allow me to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing strategy and planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing strategy and planning - Assignment Example Until recently, the business of the business has been simply considered to be just ‘business’, but now, it is more than that and it should be able to contribute to social justice, community welfare, economic development and quality of social life as well. This piece of research paper explains the underlying concepts and modern aspects of corporate social responsibility in relation to the evaluation of social responsibility efforts made by three major companies, namely Apple Inc, Johnson & Johnson and Nestle. Corporate Social Responsibility The importance and the role of corporate social responsibility have been increasing continuously in the business contexts within the last few years and this is very evident from the fact that 90% of the fortune 500 companies have explicit social responsibility initiatives (Bueble, 2009, p. 1). CSR is discerned from three words, namely Corporate, Social and Responsibility, covering the relationship between corporations and the societies in relation to how they both interact. To be more specific, it includes the responsibilities that are inherent in the relationship between the corporate and the society (Werther and Chandler, 2006, p. 6). According to Kotler and Lee (2005, p. 3), corporate social responsibility is a commitment to improve community well-being through discretionary business practices and by contributing corporate or business resources. Business activities or community well-being efforts that are already mandated by the law or are generally accepted as moral and ethical are exempted by the term ‘discretionary’. The idea behind the concept of CSR is that all business organizations and their leaders must consider the impact of their decisions and activities on the community as a whole and they must be able to assume certain responsibilities that are expected of them. The social responsibility of a business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary expectations that the soci ety has of the organization for a given period of time (Sims, 2003, p. 43). A business organization is not only expected to meet customer needs and wants, but also to satisfy customer needs and wants in a way that are corresponding to the legal, ethical, social, moral and discretionary expectations of the customers and all other stakeholders. As part of the social responsibility, a business should be able to improve social life of the general public, foster economic development of the nation, improve the quality of the life of its people and enhance social and community well-being of the society at large. In order a business to be socially responsible, it has to fulfill the rules and regulations that are entrusted to them by the legal system and responsibilities that are expected of them by the society, function according to the ethical and moral aspects that the business has to meet. Pearson and Robinson (2004, p. 50) emphasized that there are basically four elements of the social commitments involved in the CSR, they are economical, legal, ethical and discretionary responsibilities. Holme and Watts’ view on CSR Many different views and definitions on

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ethical prinicles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical prinicles - Essay Example â€Å"The principles of emergency management must be a part of the EOP design and include a comprehensive plan for tackling all potential and actual hazards† (Smeltzer et al., 2009, p. 1314). In light of the Patient’s Bill of Rights proposed by the American Hospital Association, hospitals assume a lot of responsibilities towards the patients that include the patients’ education, and respect along with health. The patient has the right to make decisions about the plan of care prior to and during the course of treatment and to refuse a recommended treatment or plan of care to the extent permitted by law and hospital policy and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action. (AHA, 1992). What to talk of asking the patient’s opinion or decision regarding the plan of care the hospital staff had formulated for him, the patient in the video was not even informed of it. By not consulting the patient for his consent upon the treatment and not educating h im upon the potential consequences of it, the hospital staff violated the principle of healthcare ethics.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Symbolic Picture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Symbolic Picture - Essay Example n this particular image, the photographer illustrates the desperate conditions of Darfur as well as the idea that it is possible to make a difference. The black and white image depicts a black child in front of a wall made of irregular posts and straw. The child is caught in the act of splashing water over his head and the water is seen streaming down the child’s very skinny body and splashing in droplets in the foreground. To refer to the child as ‘he’ is a simplification made for discussion but is not necessarily actual truth. The child depicted has very short, close-shaved hair on his head and no clothing to designate gender. The photograph provides just the hint of a belly button at the bottom edge of the image, but no further indication is provided of gender or clothing. The child is wearing two strings of white beads, which could be an indication of female gender but could also be a sign of social status or wealth. The child also wears a hospital-style bracelet which could indicate that he has access to care beyond that of the average child. There are a number of ways in which the image conveys the idea that the situation in Darfur is desperate. The background is stark, conveying a sense of a simple sand floor and poor building materials. The child is completely isolated in the image, with no sense that there is anyone else in the vicinity. This idea is reinforced by the closed eyes of the child directed downward. The most eloquent statement in the image, though, is the extreme thinness of the child. Each individual rib can be counted, the arm joints are nearly skeletal in detail and the child’s hands seem too large for the rest of his frame. However, there are plenty of hints within the image that suggests there is still hope that things can be different. The child wears beads suggesting some form of wealth and a hospital bracelet suggesting there is some form of care underway to see to this particular child’s overall well-being into

Monday, July 22, 2019

Financial Accounting Exxon Shell Case Essay Example for Free

Financial Accounting Exxon Shell Case Essay Objective: Understanding the effect of inventory valuation assumptions on financial statements. Assignment summary: You are taking the role of a security analyst who recently started following the Oil and Gas industry. The analyst has a task to draw a comparison of several financial indicators for two industry leaders: Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell, based on their income statements and balance sheets (attached at the end of this document) as well as the information from the notes to the financial statements summarized below. The two companies appear to be quite similar and are similar in size based on total assets. A private investor notes, however, that some financial ratios appear to be different. Your task is to guide an investor through the basic steps that will help them understand the effect of inventory valuation assumptions on the financial ratios. The following information is based on Exxon’s and Shell’s 2011 Annual Reports. Exxon Mobil Background information. Exxon Mobil Corporation was incorporated in the State of New Jersey in 1882. Divisions and affiliated companies of ExxonMobil operate or market products in the United States and most other countries of the world. Their principal business is energy, involving exploration for, and production of, crude oil and natural gas, manufacture of petroleum products and transportation and sale of crude oil, natural gas, and petroleum products. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Inventories. Crude oil, products, and merchandise inventories are carried at the lower of current market value or cost (generally determined under the last-in, first-out method – LIFO). Inventory costs include expenditures and other charges (including depreciation) directly and indirectly incurred in bringing the inventory to its existing condition and location. Selling expenses and general and administrative expenses are reported as period costs and excluded from inventory cost. Inventories of materials and supplies are valued at cost or less (i.e., lower of cost or market). The aggregate replacement cost of inventories was estimated to exceed their LIFO carrying values by $25.6 billion and $21.3 billion at December 31, 2011, and 2010, respectively (Convert LIFO to FIFO).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Are Unstructured And Structured Interviews Business Essay

What Are Unstructured And Structured Interviews Business Essay Before constructing business plans, it is important to probe the external environment. This takes the form of a SLEPT analysis, i.e. an investigation of the Social, Legal, Economic, Political, and Technological influences on a business. In addition it is also important to be aware of the actions of competitors. Economic changes are strictly related to social activities. Its changes that affect business include changes in the interest rate, wage rates, and the rate of inflation (i.e. general level of increase in prices). Businesses will be more encouraged to expand and take risks when economic conditions are right, e.g. low interest rates and rising demand. As conclusion, if economic changes happen to an organization, possibility it will increase or decrease quantities of manpower and cut cost / expand of overhead or expenses based on the current economic change. Workforce Changes To certify that changes are successful, organizations need to grow a workforce proficient at handling change in whatever practice it precedes. This undertaking requires not only understanding and fostering effective behaviours and attitudes, but also developing a wide-ranging organizational process infusing change agility throughout the company. A system ensuring the right organizational structures is in place and that individuals have the capabilities required at each level. Once top management provides the vision on what change is needed, the organization must then set out to develop and execute a change management plan and engage their workforce in the process. It able to evaluates the change effectiveness skills and abilities of employees by analysing the specific behaviours and characteristics needed to improve on the situation. For an example, the organisation develop Research Development department to check, analyse and provide the significant improvement for the particular changes. Question 1: The Human Resource managers job is a challenging task and requires certain proficiencies for success. Briefly explain these proficiencies which are important for a HR managers success. (10 marks) HR Proficiency: It is covered on employee recruitment, selection, training compensation on this proficiency. Business Proficiency: Human Resource Manager is responsible to assist top management for framing strategies. HR manager should be aware with strategic on planning, marketing, finance production. That knowledge will help top management to formulate new strategies for the company in term of return on investment. Leadership Proficiency: HR Manager should possess Leadership Quality. They need to have the ability to control and manage the workforce toward a specific vision. HR managers need to capture on the latest changes and lead the team as it permits. Learning Proficiency: Technologies are changing rapidly; HR manager must learn new things and need to be updated as time passes. Learning proficiency will help to manage with this changing of environment. It is good for control and provides practice for the workforce in an effective way. Question 2: Explain and illustrate the basic ways to classify selection interviews. Briefly explain how structured interviews, regardless of content, are more valid than unstructured interviews for predicting job performance? (15 marks) What are unstructured and structured interviews? Interviews can be structured or unstructured. Unstructured interview is an interviewing technique whereby the conversation can be via video call or in relaxing conversation and the questions are not specifically set. The conversation question is depending on how each individual responds. Therefore, interviewer might engage the wrong candidate determined based on unclear impressions. As conclusion, an unstructured interview is might be incur time consuming and because the information gathered from all the candidates is different, it is difficult to have a ground for comparison which is effects on reliability and validity. Structured interviews are reliable and valid structured behavioral-interviews in line with international best practice. It is involve questions which are set out and followed thoroughly. Every candidate is presented with the same questions and this ensures that each respondent has had the opportunity to reply for each question. Structured interviews have higher predictive validity. As conclusion, asking every candidate with the standardized questions and taking down relevant notes during the process can also improve validity and reliability of the interview. Structured interviews are better at predicting job performance if they are appropriately and thoroughly based on job analysis and trained interviewers are used. Structured interviews assume that intentions and actual behaviors are strongly linked. Structured interviews can also involve multiple interviewers and use well-defined rating scales with specific rating procedures. Question 2: In your opinion, can companies do without a detailed job descriptions? Defend your answer. (10 marks) Job description is a detailed list of specific duties and tasks in a company and achieve in the specific objectives. We must have a job description in the company or in an organization. Job Analysis to identify job duties, responsibilities, equipment used, work relationships and work environment. A draft of the identified job duties, responsibilities, equipment, relationships, and work environment would be reviewed with the supervisor for accuracy. The Job Analyst would then prepare a job description and/or job specifications for the workforce carry out the specific duties. It is important to create and achieve teamwork spirit in a company. Question 3: Description the reasons on the importance of new employee orientation. What are some benefits of properly conducted orientation programme to an organisation? (15 marks) THE IMPORTANCE OF NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION Orientation is an introductory or preliminaries stage in the process of new employee adaptation and a part of continuous socialization process in an organization. These are the advantages to conduct a new staff orientation programme:- It allows new staff members to have a clear understanding of the organization, positions and the community. It is a good start and providing appropriate background to new staff members will do a good job over the long term and stay longer with the organization. It makes life easier for new staff members in the organization by eliminating unnecessary troubles. It encloses the new staff member into an existing social structure and helping them bond with others, at the same time helping to improve the organizational It formally welcomes new staff to the organization and ensure them have support for done a better performance. By making staff knowledgeable and well-prepared, it able to develop the organizations reputation and lead the community for better achievement. Question 3: b) In your opinion, can job rotation be the best training method to use for developing management trainees, in a bank? Defend your answer. (10 marks) Job rotation is a management technique that assigns trainees to different jobs and departments over a period. Surveys show that an increasing number of banks are using job rotation to train employees. Job rotation able to control or detect errors and frauds. It reduces the risk of collusion between individuals. Organizations dealing with sensitive information or system in a bank where there is an opportunity for personal gain can benefit by job rotation. Job rotation also helps bank continuity as multiple people are equally equipped to perform a job function. If an employee is unavailable other staffs able handle that position with similar efficiency. PART B MINI CASE STUDY Carefully read the news article below and then answer question 4 at the end of the article: Enterprise ICT industry reactions to Malaysias Budget 2013 ComputerWorld, Malaysia By AvantiKumar | Oct. 1, 2012 Addressing the talent gap On the issue of knowledgeable, creative and innovative human capital, training programmes will be developed to hone new skills in line with future needs of industry in a high-income and developed economy. For this purpose, RM3.7 billion [US$1.21 billion] will be allocated in 2013 to train students in technical and vocational fields, said Najib. He said the government would establish the Graduate Employability Taskforce with an allocation of RM200 million [US$65.38 million] to strengthen employability of unemployed graduates under Graduate Employability Blueprint by end-2012. The government will allocate RM440 million [US$143.84 million] to the Skills Development Fund Corporation (PTPK), to provide loans for trainees to undergo skills training, he said. HP Enterprise Group, South East Asia (SEA) vice president and acting general manager HP Malaysia managing director Narinder Kapoor noted the Governments continued and expanded focus on talent and human capital development. Incentives provided under Budget 2013, such as reducing the cost of learning, enhancing teaching skills in core subjects through the Higher Order Thinking Skills approach, the New Entrepreneur Foundation and the Graduate Employability Blueprint will not only help develop an entrepreneurial spirit, but also set the foundation and churn out more knowledge-based workers. Developing a bigger pool of local ICT talent with the right set of hard and soft skills that meet industry expectations will certainly help enhance Malaysias global competitiveness, said Kapoor. While the education sector focuses on improving proficiency in core subjects, more concerted efforts are needed at higher learning institutes to include course that focus on sub-specialisation within the ICT industry. Developing the right talent and human capital in ICT becomes even more important now as Digital Malaysia initiative targets to create more than 160,000 high-value jobs by the year 2020. Microsoft Malaysias managing director Ananth Lazarus commended the Malaysian governments financial prudence while remaining focused on the importance of transforming education and improving the quality of daily life. However, Microsoft Malaysia believes that more could be done to leverage ICT to achieve these goals and commits itself towards transforming Malaysia together into a high-income and developed nation, said Lazarus. It is clear that the government places a premium priority on securing the future success of the nation with more than RM41 billion [US$13.40 billion] along with various tax incentives and other allocations committed to improving the quality of education in the country. We certainly laud the governments commitment to transforming education by lending the necessary budgetary commitment to meet the aspirations outlined in the recently announced National Education Blueprint. At the same time, the governments incentives towards leveraging intellectual property appear to signal the countrys recognition that it needs to move up the value chain, he said. This is certainly a step in the right direction in achieving the countrys aspiration to become a high-income nation, said Lazarus. Autodesk Malaysia country manager Tan Choon Sang (CS Tan) said the increased encouragement to use green technology was welcomed. [In addition] in order to raise Malaysias position as a competitive market, skill-sets need to be well aligned and in order for this, the industry needs to produce a quality workforce with the right skills such as those through our Autodesk Education Community. A talented local workforce is essential to meet the current needs of a growing economy, and the future needs of a high-income and developed nation. We continue to support the governments efforts to look at human capital development holistically, with initiatives and incentives to retain top talent and develop fresh talent that are essential for the nation to remain competitive regionally and globally, said Dell Global Business Center, Cyberjaya, managing director, Pang Yee Beng. [In addition], Malaysia is a strategic country for human resources for Dell, and we place huge emphasis and investment on a people-focused strategy and talent development said Pang. We continue to support the Government in building a pool of knowledgeable, creative and innovative workforce. To this end, we have recently launched the Dell Malaysia University [DMU] that offers industry recognised certifications and degrees in collaboration with local and foreign universities, professional bodies and institutions of higher learning. Extracted source: http://www.computerworld.com.my/tech/industries/enterprise-ict-industryreactions-to-malaysias-budget-2013/?page=3 Question 4: What is your general reaction on the Malaysias Budget 2013 in terms of training and development? Justify your answer. (10 marks) Training and development is referred to the practice of providing training, working platform, coaching, monitoring, and learning chances to employees to inspire and motivate them to carry out their job functions of that position to the best level and within standards set by the organization. It may also enhance and achieve the Continuous Quality Improvement Section. On my opinion for reaction on the Malaysias Budget 2013, there are the following ways systems of care principles and values might be evident in training, development, and human resources in our community: Staff members such as children, youth and families as priorities within the community. It has set into a system of care. Life experience is considered an important fact within the systems of care. Based on the systems of care principles into training, development, and human resources functions, it able to identify the changes and ensure the progress of improvement. A culturally, linguistically, and ethnically diverse and competent staff is evident in training, development and human resources activities. Ongoing training and development occurs across all systems of care partners to enhance performance of interagency teams. Question 4: b) If you are the HR manager of your organisation, what would be the important criteria in recruiting and selecting of a potential talented candidate that you would recommend to include in Graduate Employability Blueprint that (going to) offers by the government? Discuss in detail the reason(s) for the criteria you set forward are crucial for new and unemployed graduate in Malaysia. (15 marks) In preliminary stage, HR Manager should set out job analysis and job description for recruiting purpose. It may go through advertise from local media such as Job Street, newspaper or TV channel. On selection potential talented candidate, HR Manager will take consideration on education qualification, working experience, personal skills etc. HR Manager will select suitable candidate via structured interview and eliminate wrongly recruitment. On my opinion, for new or unemployed graduate, they should allocated themselves in term of knowledge, courage, good learning attitude to attempt new challenge and well-prepared before making decision or provide solution to others.

Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications and Forms

Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications and Forms 1 Wireless Sensor Network In this chapter, wireless sensor network (WSN) principles are being shortly introduced and discussed. In order to increase the level of understanding for analyzing Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) systems it is useful to study the technology behind them the technologies which are presented in this section. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are distributed and independent sensors that are connected and worked together to measure quantities such as temperature, humidity, pressure, noise levels or vibrations [5]. WSNs can measure vehicular movement (velocity, location, etc.) and monitor conditions such as lightning condition, soil makeup and motion [5]. Nowadays, WSNs are utilized in many common applications such as vehicle applications. Some of vehicle applications are: vehicle tracking and detection, tire pressure monitoring, vehicle speed detection, vehicle direction indicator, traffic control, reversing aid sensors etc. Such applications can be divided in major categories such as safety, security, environment and logistics. To implement WSN in an application and have an efficient system, first we need to consider about WSN technology, components and communication topology and protocols. Therefore, first, in this chapter, basic information about WSN components, the communication devices and process unit of WSN will be described. Then, the chapter will be followed by a description of the WSN topologies and protocols emphasizing on mesh WSN technology with ZigBee Protocol. 1.1 Wireless Sensor Network component To provide comprehensive view of WSN hardware, understanding of WSN components structure is required. Wireless sensors are small microcontrollers equipped with wireless communication device and an energy supplier. The architecture of WSNs is illustrated in Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1 . As Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1 shows the components of WSNs are sensing unit, processing unit, power supplier and communication device. The sensing unit consists of sensors and Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs). ADCs are responsible for gathering the signals and converting them into digital signals data and transfer them through each other using network topology to the processor unit. In the sensing unit, each sensor is called an ‘end node and varies in size and cost. The mission of these multifunction sensor nodes are to sense, process data and collaborate with other nodes [8]. Wireless sensor network can be positioned in two ways, either using a complex technique with the large sensors far from the object or using several sensors with an engineered design on position and topology [5]. In addition, each node provided with a wireless communication transceiver as a communication component. In the process unit, the controller and small memory storage are responsible for managing the collaboration within the sensors to achieve the assigning task. In addition, the communication device with a transceiver makes the network connection. Above all, the essential component of WSN is the power unit, which supports the power for all units [5]. One of the unique characteristics of sensor networks is that they are equipped with an on-board processor. This feature enables them to locally process some simple computations and broadcast only necessary processed data [5]. Network communication is really complicated and needs years of study [8], but to be able to implement WSN, we need to know some basic primary concepts of communication technology such as; network topologies, network protocol and their standards and specifications. 1.2 Communication technology To cover technical aspects of WSN, network topology and network protocol studying is needed. This study will help to provide information about reliability, robustness, security and stability and of WSNs software aspect to answer the research questions RQ. 1 ,RQ. 2 and RQ. 3 . 1.2.1 Topologies in WSN Communication In network communication, the big issue is how data transfers through nodes and nodes interconnect with each other. Several basic network topologies may be used for transmitting to and receiving from a node. The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) the standards organization of telecommunication industry explained the network topology as â€Å"The physical, real, logical or virtual arrangement of the nods/elements of a network† [9]. The topology shows the diameter and the number of nodes between any two nodes. Moreover how a data process and the data routing complexities are relied on the chosen topology. Consequently, some characteristics of a sensor networks such as latency, robustness and capacity are changed by their topology [10]. Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ2 is a graphic mapping of networks topology which shows the links of one or more nodes and explains the physical topology of the network. Despite having the same topology, two networks can differ in transmission rates because of their physical interaction, signal types and distance between nodes [9]. Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1 describes the different types of network topology. Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1 Topology TYPES [9]. Since Mesh topology is a main topic in the thesis, it is studied more in-depth in this section Mesh Wireless Network Wireless mesh network is a term used when all wireless nodes are connected to each other within an ad-hoc multi-hob and mesh topology. In this network, any pair of nodes is able to communicate between each other within more than one path. In this network each node is used as a router to forward packets to the neighbor nodes which they have linked to. That means all nodes communicate directly or through other midway nodes without any manual configuration. Therefore, this network also called a self-configuration and self-organized network [11; 12]. As described in Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1, there are two types of mesh topology ‘Partially connected and ‘Fully connected (See Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ3). In a fully connected topology each node has the ability to communicate with all other nodes in the network and creates an interconnection links. By increasing the number of nodes in a mesh network, the number of links increases as well. On the other hand, in a partially connected topology, instead of direct interconnection between nodes, each node has two or more links to others to provide alternate routing and traffic balancing. Due to more links and indirect connections between nodes, traffic can flow through one or more router nodes to the destination [7] and create more reliable interconnections between nodes. Moreover, in partial network, the nodes are connected to either the node with higher rate of data transaction or the nearest neighbor node while in fully connected network all nodes have a direct links with each other. This multiple link path conducts a reliable communication. Therefore, whenever a connection fails or a node breaks down, the packages can automatically change their path by ‘jumping from a disconnected node. This is often called the self-healing of the network. This means that the networks connection stability and reliability are not essentially affected by node failures [11]. Due to the characteristics of wireless sensor network mesh, this network is self-configuring and self-organizing network in which each end-node is also used as a router (dual role- data originator /data router) to forward the signal packages all the way back of the main gateway. Therefore, due to the characteristics of mesh networks, this network is becoming one of the most implemented networks which able to have the flexible architecture for the network, easy self-configuration and robust fault tolerance connectivity [11; 12]. Additionally, the self-configuring characteristic of mesh WSN, bring the ability for the network to connect or disconnect nodes from the network. This brings the ability to grow/decrease the network by adding/removing nodes of a system. Mesh WSN has reliable self-healing and robust fault tolerance. This means if ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­ a node fails or breaks down the signal packages jump from the disconnected node and automatically conducts a new path through the nearest node. However, the new path imposes re-routing and re-organizing to the network [5], which consumes too much power from the system. Therefore, having a power-aware protocol and algorithm is necessary for mesh network. ZigBee protocol is one of the protocols which provides this ability for WSN. 1.2.2 Protocols in WSN Communication WSN systems include variety of protocols for communication. Protocols need to program in different architectural layers. One of these architectural standard is OSI (Open System Interconnection) framework. In this session a brief introduction of each protocol and OSI are delineated. Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ4 shows the graphic overview of all wireless network technologies. This figure illustrated IEEE PAN/LAN/MAN technologies and clearly shows how these standards and protocols can be used in different conditions. For instance, 3G protocol is used to cover a long range of audio information in a wide area network (WAN) while for the same information in a short range and personal area network (PAN), Bluetooth is better. The standard conceptual rules set for data representation, data communication and error detection across two ends in telecommunication, are called communication protocols. These abstract rules represent in different layers of communication. There are different protocol stacks introducing different architectures for these layers such as AppleTalk, Distributed Systems Architecture (DSA), Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) and Open Systems Interconnect (ISO/OSI). Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ5 (a) illustrates the different layers of an OSI Model and their functionalities. The OSI model has seven layers and each layer provides services for the upper layer and requests services from the lower layer. Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ5 (b) shows the typical communication protocols layers. Each of these layers has to deal with different issues regarding the communication procedure. As the typical protocol stack model shows in Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ5 the communication protocols should implement all layers from bottom to top. In addition, a management protocol needs to be applied in each layer to manage power efficiency, robust connectivity and connection reliability (see: Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ5 b). Below, rules and functionality for each layer are described: * Physical layer: is responsible for signal processing and physical interface connectivity between a device and physical medium and used bit stream in its data unit. It acted as communication channel for sensing and actuation in cost-efficient and reliable manner. Some examples of this layer are: IEEE 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee, etc. [7] * Data link layer: provides functionality toward channel sharing, Medium Access Control (MAC-Layer), timing (e.g. data time arrival), local link and capacity. It is responsible for detecting and correcting the data errors in physical layer and control the locality data comparison. It follows the protocols such as point-to-point protocol (PPP) and IEEE 802 Local Link Control (LLC). [7] * Network layer: is responsible for network routing functionality, network security, energy and power efficiency and reliability of the communication. It includes the network topology management and manages the information and detects errors in data transfer from router to router. A number of protocols is address in this layer such as: Internet protocol (IP), Threshold Sensitive Energy Efficient Sensor Network Protocol and etc. [7]. * Transport layer: provides end-to-end transportation (distributing and gathering) of data between end users. It includes storage and responds for caching and controlling the data to recover them back to the initial message that has been sent. Best-known protocols for this layer are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) [7]. * Upper layers: The Upper Layers are responsible for application processing, external query processing and etc. Upper layers include presentation layer session layer and application layer [7]. The summary of these standards and protocols are shown in Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ6 Among all the standard and protocols, IEEE PAN/LAN/MAN technologies are the ones applied in the majority of commercialWSNs to support physical layer and link-data layer signal transmission. As SOHRABY and ZNATI (2007) mentioned, the most common best-known protocols are:† (1) the IEEE 802.15.1 (also known as Bluetooth); (2) the IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n series of wireless LANs; (3) the IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee); (4) the MAN-scope IEEE 802.16 (also known as WiMax); and (5) radio-frequency identification (RFID) tagging† [7]. Each of these protocols has their own benefits and constraints. The comparisons between IEEE technologies are mentioned in Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ2. As Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ2 shows the IEEE 802.15.4 standard provides data rate of 20 to 250 kbps and operates in the 2.4-GHz ISM band. This standard covers signals in range of 10 m and requires the lowest power among other IEEE class. While IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n transmits the data in the rate of 54 Mbps ideal for wi reless internet connections and operates in the 2.4-GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) radio band as well as the 5-GHz ISM / 5-GHz U-NII (Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure) radio band. However, it requires much higher power consumption than IEEE 802.15 [7]. Recently, researchers put much effort to develop â€Å"a cost-effective standards-based wireless networking solution that supports low-to medium data rates, has low power consumption, and guarantees security and reliability† [7]. ZigBee Alliance is an association of companies which aims to provide such a standard for WSN consumers. Their mission is to have a simple, reliable, low-cost, low-power and standards-based wireless platform ZigBee standard The ZigBee standard builds on IEEE 802.15.4 and is suitable for remote monitoring and controlling applications. Although it has lower-data-rates than the other standards, its reliability, security, long life battery with less complexity mechanism make it ideal for building automation in industrial network applications. The architecture of the ZigBee stack is established on the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model. The IEEE 802.15.4 defines the physical layer (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) sub-layer and In addition, ZigBee Alliance defines other functionalities for upper layers [7]. Figure 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ7 is a graphic overview of ZigBee protocol stack and shows the responsibility areas of IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee Alliance platform and users applications [7]. This picture also shows the basic functionality of each layer. The data transmission service is provided by PHY layer and the protocol in this layer enables the connection between data units and the physical radio channel. ZigBee provides three different frequency band options for PHY layer. First, the transmission data-rate of 250kbps in 16 channels at 2.45GHz (Global) frequency. Second, with 40Kbps in 10 channels at 915MHz (Americas). And the last one, with 20kbps in 1 channel at 868MHz (Europe). The higher data-rate causes a higher order in modulation design and the lower frequency cause a larger cover area and better sensitivity. Depending on the power output, the transmission distance rate can change from 1 to 100 meters. (For more detail information see: Table 7à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1 in Appendix A) ZigBee WSN has the ability to have static or dynamic network/component with either star or mesh topology and it has three types of nodes: a ZigBee Coordinator (ZC), ZigBee Routers (ZR), and ZigBee End-Devices (ZED). In order to have a communication protocol and physical connection both PHY layer and MAC sub-layers of the architecture should be defined upon agreement between server and clients. These layers require manual administrative procedures setting for server/client gateway. The next three levels namely: the network layer, security protocol and transport layer are defined by ZigBee alliance platform automatically. The last layer, application layer, has to interact with the user-interface and other applications; it ought to be programmed with high-level language so that integration with any existing devices applications becomes more conveniently practical. The ZigBee stack in gateway is responsible for all the network functionality such as network process management, authentication of the joined nodes, binding nodes and routing the messages throughout the network. ZigBee stack as a standard protocol, has clusters and libraries for improving the implementation process, therefore, using ZigBee compare to other protocols makes the system (including both hardware and software) development process much faster and easier. On the other hand, such standardisation provides easiness of adopt with third party sensors regardless of manufacturer, which might be attached to the network later. 2 Software Aspects To address the research question regarding the reliability, robustness, and security of any WSN application, it is essential to investigate the software architecture of that network. For convenience in description of the architecture of a WSN application, it is divided into three segments: Physical devices (such as lamps, sensors, nodes), Communication Protocol (terminals and servers, bridge, switch, network topology and standard) and Carried Information (application, functions, etc.). Any attempts to retain a precise design on software architecture for each part will cause an effective data transmission, which ensures reliability and security of the system [7]. Hence achieving any desired data transmission precision level in a WSN, network management (NM) techniques are applicable. Such techniques assist in network status monitoring, reliability and security amendment, and cooperation supervision between components [7]. NM techniques could also detect and resolve network faults in addition to restoring the system respectively [7]. In practice, designing WSN application necessitates tailoring NM techniques for each architectural segment. Various NM techniques regarding each segment are summarized as follows [7; 12; 5]: a) Physical architecture: Sensing and processing management, operation and administration, fault tolerance, maintenance, energy efficiency management, configuration management, performance management, security management, network element management. b) Communication architecture: Network management, networking protocols, network topology, function management, monitoring functions, fault management, performance management, security management, service management and communication, maintenance management, network configuration and organization, network behavior, data delivery model, sensor mobility, naming and localization, sensing coverage area, communication coverage area energy efficiency management c) Information architecture: Real-time information management, mapping management, service management, analyze information, control application, business application management report management, sending and receiving commands or response, naming, localization, maintenance, fault tolerance Aforementioned NM techniques enhance quality of the system. According to ISO 9126-1 software quality model Table 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1 [13; 14; 15], the quality characteristics of a system could be divided into six fundamental properties: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability. According to the same documentation, these characteristics are broken to sub-characteristics such as suitability, security, maturity, fault tolerance, adaptability, analyzability, stability, testability and so on [13]. However, focusing on all subcategories collectively exceeds the time horizon of this research, from this stance three dimensions namely reliability, robustness and security are brought into attention. This section will be divided to two subsections describing the architecture issues and NM techniques for (1) Reliability and Robustness, (2) Security, of WSN and other characteristics is relegated to future studies. 2.1 Reliability and Robustness In WSNs context, the probability that a network functions properly and aggregates trustworthy data without any interruption continuously, is usually referred to as reliability characteristic of the network [23; 20]. According to ISO 9126-1 software quality documentation, reliability characteristic shows the capability of a network to maintain or re-built (re-start) the service in certain period of time [13]. So, it is important that during long sensing, the network has to service up continuously. Reliable service of a network includes precise and proper sensing, delivering and sending acceptable data to the base station. In other words as Taherkordi et al. (2006) put: â€Å"The less loss of interested data, leads us to higher reliability of a system†. Systematic approach perceives reliability as probability of data delivery to the base station rather than point-to-point reliability [16]. Robustness defined by Sohraby et al. (2007) as: â€Å"a combination of reliability, availability, and dependability requirements†, reflects the degree of the protocol insensitivity to errors and misinformation†. Achieving system robustness in WSN, necessitates system capability to detect, tolerate and confine errors as well as reconfigure and restart the network respectively [7]. According to the given definition by Sohraby et al. (2007), it is apprehensible that reliability and robustness share commonalities with each other; this is the main rational behind discussing these two attributes together in this section [7]. Considering the nature of communication in WSN, a network is unpredictable and prone to fail caused by any physical damages in hardware devices, energy depletion, communication link error, information collapses in packages and etc. [17; 16]. Therefore, one of the critical issues in design phase of WSN is applying fault tolerance techniques to optimize the network so that reliability and robustness attained [17]. These techniques enable the network to withstand and recover any upcoming failure and restart operation [13]. Liu et al. (2009) categorized fault tolerance techniques into: node placement, topology control, target and event detection, data gathering and aggregation, and sensor surveillance. Reminding from the beginning of this chapter architecture design divided into three segments. Table 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ2 depicted a summary of the plausible related faults and their solutions in each segment. In the following, each aforementioned fault tolerance techniques are being discussed in each design segment. Table 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ2 The most probable fault and their fault tolerance solutions in WSN [17; 7; 18] 2.1.1 Reliability and Robustness of Physical Architecture: Fault: any physical interruption in sensor surveillance Solution: Node placement management and signal-effect management First item that should be considered in designing physical components architecture for reliability and Robustness is: physical placement and signal-effect management. As it is mentioned in section 3, although the mesh network communication is self-organize topology and does not need any manual configuration to bind the network for mobile sensors, the physical architecture and the location schema of the hardware components, sensors and gateways need to be designed carefully [7]. As a characteristic of mesh WSN, the sensors in network are free of any installation restrictions, even though, the placement should be far from any physical destruction or hostile locations. Inappropriate physical placement of sensor transmitters and gateway antenna can cause noise or significant lost in signals [7]. In addition, the signal coverage is decayed by surrounding objects and materials such as metal wall and the like. (E.g. exterior wooden, concrete, brick or gypsum frame, block or wall). Especially in the case of vehicles, the main body can impose such problem and henceforth installation of the sensors in this manner would be delicate. Moreover, the signal waves might be faded and affected during the transmission, due to various physical phenomena such as reflection, diffraction or scattering [7]. These effects would cause significant interruption in sensor surveillance. Therefore, it is important to manage these signal-effects in early stage of WSN physical architecture design. Reflection occurs when electromagnetic wave of signals is duplicated due to impinge of the wave on large object or surface such as walls, buildings and the Earth [7]. Therefore, all the reflection of the walls and also the Earth should be acknowledged in physical architecture design. Diffraction refers to any defection and obstruction in waves caused by irregular sharp edges during the data transmission between the transmitter and receiver [7]. In this case, designers have to be prudent in sensors placements in the proximity of sharp edges and corner angels. Scattering refers to any deviation from straight line. Environmental obstacles in the propagation path affect passing waves from their original structure. Even small irregular object such as street signs, and lampposts might encounter and scatter the wave. Hence WSN should be design to face with any irregular scattering during the wave transmission. Above all, the mobility of sensors and surrounding objects might fade the signals and add noises that should be considered in architecture design [7]. These issues are the basic physical factors, which cause major fault in data aggregation of WSN and cut down reliability and robustness. These destructive signals need to be subtracted from the received signal paths [7] before sending the data to gateway. Therefore, reflection, diffraction and scattering should be considered not only by designers in the physical components placements, but also by programmers in network development. Fault: Sensors failure Solution: Hardware replacement The next issue that needs to be considered in designing the physical architecture of a WSN is hardware failure. Sensors energy suppliers or any damages to the sensors and/or their transmitters are the sources of hardware failure. Regardless of source of failure, the WSN must be capable of functioning as well as replacing and switching sensors when necessary. Additionally, any changes in the physical components, on one hand, needs an explicit and well-defied consideration on security issue to prevent any potential threats, and on the other hand, needs an adaptable and configurable communication connection network [18]. 2.1.2 Reliability and Robustness of Communication Architecture Fault: communication link errors Solution:Topology control and event detection , Replicated services in communication model, Communication link error is an important concern in dealing with reliability and robustness of a network in communication architecture. The sensors in WSN are prone to fail and make link errors in point-to-point reliability of communication protocol. Therefore, it is the network topology responsibility to detect the errors and guarantee the overall reliability of the syste

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Communication Problems in the Workplace Essay -- Personal Narratives C

Communication Problems in the Workplace I work at Geneva Ace Hardware. My most important job, among my many duties, is to help customers. Usually everything goes ok, but there are always a few customers that can be hard to deal with. I’ve had to deal with Mexicans who can barely speak English. I’ve had to deal with Mexicans who use their 5 year old children/grandchildren as translators. I once had to deal with a Canadian couple whose accent was so rich; I would have about a 30 second delayed response to try to convert their English into my English. Then there are the people who just won’t accept my help because I’m only a kid. None of these people compare to the dude that was deaf. About a month ago I was standing in the main aisle of Ace chatting with Lambert, one of my coworkers. As we were talking, I noticed a guy approaching us. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw him stare right into my eyes, so I knew he needed some help. This was a big guy. He must have been 5’10† and 350 pounds, but it wasn’t exactly like he was fat. He was the kind of guy that had a lot of muscle, and then he had a layer of fat over that. This dude’s forearms were bigger than my lower legs. He had short, brown hair with a receding hairline. He had on work clothes, and he was sporting a big pair of wire-rimed glasses. These are the kind of glasses my grandpa would wear. This guy was probably in his late 40’s, but his karma made him appear much older. Anyway, as he’s approaching, I asked him if...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Great Expectations :: Great Expectations Essays

Great Expectations The novel great expectation was finished for the first time in 1860; it was created in weekly instalments in a weekly journal called â€Å"all year round†. The story went on for 36 weeks. This gave the author Charles Dickens few challenges he had to beat to keep the readers interests up. He used cliff hangers and other ways he needed to grab the reader’s attention. Dickens grew up in a small house in Landport, by Portsmouth, on the 7th of February. John his father was a clerk. Charles had a rough childhood, and wasn’t liked by other students due to his fragile body. That’s why he always preferred reading books instead of playing physical games. Much of Dickens hard life is expressed in his novels. The 39th chapter is a pivotal chapter because he uses it as a great changing and turning point. Like pivoting in basketball holding your left foot still on the ground and using your other leg to move around and choose a different direction or move to carry on. Charles uses authoritative and descriptive sentences. In this chapter he builds up drama and creates huge tension. In this chapter he makes the reader remember Pip’s situation. Pip received money but had to leave his family to gain it. Pip moved away and received money on a monthly basis. Dickens reminds us of Pip’s situation the readers feel that an important thing is about to happen. At this point Pip is feeling disheartened and Dickens uses bad climate to project his feelings. When Dickens uses this to project pips situation the reader’s feel sorry for Pip and can comprehend what his going through. Using the weather conditions gives Dickens another aspect on how Pip feels. But they also know he left his family for money making him look slightly guilty. The unsettled weather creates drama and gets the way Pips feels to the readers. Dickens repeats words and uses long sentences constantly this helps creating more tension. Dickens uses academic language and makes the reader more involved using words that can only describe things with the ones his chosen; making the reader involved helps them to interact more with the chapter. The language is altered to the other chapters because this one is filled with tension. As Dickens generates tension the reader’s anxiety and strain also builds up thus making the readers more concentrated into the book. Dickens makes the pressure and tension last a long time using the long sentences and words to keep the readers more intrigued. The atmosphere changes and it becomes silent because no ones ready for what’s about to hit them.

Troublemaking Interpretations of Horation Ode Essay -- Horation Ode

Troublemaking Interpretations of Horation Ode   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There exists debate of how one is to read Marvell's "Horation Ode," One of the most unexamined issues in the three essays, yet one which seems to be a presupposition for most of the argumentation that goes on between both parties, is Brooks's careful caveat early in his essay that his project is not to "reveal triumphantly that what it [Marvell's poem] really says is something quite opposed to what we have supposed it to be saying" ("Ode" 323). For Bush, what the poem is supposed to have said is key, for his argument will rest around such suppositions and commonalities, or unprejudiced readings as he might call it; and among his final arguments will be that "Marvell's poem means what it says" (348), which will be arrived at by looking at the poem in "its common and natural sense"(341). But Brooks is not necessarily strict in sticking to traditional interpretation, so it is intriguing he would begin with what we might call at this point an interpretational warning label to insure that the reader does not misinterpret him and think that he is trying to merely find a new interpretation for an old poem. While he will later argue that the New Critic is indeed in debt to the historicist, and we might accept this initial warning as a part of that debt to "proper norms" (326), it is with other interests in mind that Brooks ends his "Notes on the Limits of'History' and the Limits of 'Criticism."' Invoking Matthew Arnold, Brooks concludes his essay dealing with Leslie Fielder's call to "interpret literature in relation to the rest of man's concerns" (qtd. in "Limits" 354). To this, Brooks is "in hearty agreement" ("Limits" 354), and with this ending it is clear that there are ... ...es so many of his criticisms of Brooks in terms of how he looks for "desperate solutions" that stray from a common sense reading of the poem. This idea that the type of critic that Brooks advocates makes trouble for the type of interpretation established by a historical reading of the poem raises such questions as the role of the critic in a society, and whether this critic is obliged to make trouble or not, and who is to be the focus of his troublemaking energies.    Works Cited Brooks, Cleanth. "Criticism and Literary History: Marvell's Horation Ode." Class Handout ENG 415. April 9th, 1996. "Notes on the Limits of'History' and the Limits of ‘Criticism’." Class Handout ENG 415 April 9th, 1996. Bush, Douglas. "Marvell's 'Horation Ode'." Class Handout ENG 415. April 9th, 1996. Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble. New York: Routledge, 1990.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Comparing Contamination In The UK And Kuwait Environmental Sciences Essay

The Sustainable Communities Project helps and support community groups on all facets of environmental jurisprudence and in peculiar on how to efficaciously take part in environmental determination devising ; by organizing and running workshops, seminars, surgeries and other events in their part. We provide information and publications for persons and groups, raises consciousness about environmental rights and justness and inform people about ELF and our services. more†¦ The accomplishments and expertness of ELF and our members are used to inform the legal and other professions about topical environmental issues through the proviso of preparation and educational events. ELF provides Continuing Professional Development preparation that is accredited by the Law Society, the Bar Council and the Institute of Legal Executives. We besides run a preparation programme for voluntaries and housemans back uping our Advice and Referral Service and Community Outreach Programme. more†¦ ELF promotes entree to environmental justness for the communities we represent and encourage environmental consciousness at every chance. We help authorise communities and persons to do existent alteration for the better, for the environment and for the hereafter. ELF participates in national and international arguments to assist better societal and environmental policy and jurisprudence The Environmental Law Foundation ( E.L.F. ) is a national UK charity committed to assisting persons and communities use the jurisprudence to protect and heighten their environment. The E.L.F. has been awarded support from the Equality and Human Rights Commission to set about a programme of awareness-raising events in England and Wales by the proviso of jurisprudence surgeries aimed at under-represented communities to concentrate on issues of environmental and human rights. The successful campaigner will back up the officer in charge of the bringing of this exciting programme by organizing the information demands of the undertaking and the administration. This station would be of involvement to a recent alumnus who wishes to pursueaa‚ ¬A ¦ Kuwait The Environmental Public Authority of Kuwait ( EPA ) recognizes its ‘ duty towards the environment, and issues this policy as a statement of direction and employee committedness to minimising the environmental impact of its ‘ concern activities. In order to guarantee effectual direction of its ‘ activities, merchandises and services that have the possible to impact the environment, the EPA commits it self to: Bing cognizant of how its activities, merchandises and services impact upon the environment, and conformity with relevant environmental statute law, ordinances and other demands to which it subscribe. Continual betterment of it ‘s environmental public presentation by constructing environmental considerations into its ‘ determination devising procedures and methods of operation, to minimise environmental impact and prevent pollution. Puting and printing a clear set of environmental aims and marks to guarantee continual betterment in it ‘s environmental public presentation and to supervise consequences to guarantee that these marks are met. Guaranting that all EPA activities, merchandises and services, giving rise to important environmental impacts, at all sites are all covered by this policy and that the policy is implemented kept up and communicated to all employees. Communicating this policy and environmental aims to it ‘s clients and all other interested parties. Necessitating its providers and contractors to hold proper respects to EPA ‘s Environmental Policy in regard to the merchandises and services they separately provide. Jetro Aim of The Undertaking The aim of the JETRO Model Project is to analyze optimal solutions for the environmental rehabilitation and preservation of marine H2O quality in Kuwait Bay. To accomplish this intent, the JETRO Model Project includes three undertakings as its constituents as stated below. Three constituents of the Undertaking Component 1: Tidal Flat Project Component 2: Marine Environment Real-time Monitoring Undertakings Component 3: Technology Transfer Project. City CITES ( the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ) is an international understanding between authoritiess. Its purpose is to guarantee that international trade in specimens of wild animate beings and workss does non endanger their endurance. Widespread information presents about the endangered position of many outstanding species, such as the tiger and elephants, might do the demand for such a convention seem obvious. But at the clip when the thoughts for CITES were foremost formed, in the 1960s, international treatment of the ordinance of wildlife trade for preservation intents was something comparatively new. With hindsight, the demand for CITES is clear. Annually, international wildlife trade is estimated to be deserving one million millions of dollars and to include 100s of 1000000s of works and animate being specimens. The trade is diverse, runing from unrecorded animate beings and workss to a huge array of wildlife merchandises derived from them, including nutrient merchandises, alien leather goods, wooden musical instruments, lumber, tourer oddities and medical specialties. Degrees of development of some animate being and works species are high and the trade in them, together with other factors, such as habitat lo ss, is capable of to a great extent consuming their populations and even conveying some species near to extinction. Many wildlife species in trade are non endangered, but the being of an understanding to guarantee the sustainability of the trade is of import in order to safeguard these resources for the hereafter. Because the trade in wild animate beings and workss crosses boundary lines between states, the attempt to modulate it requires international cooperation to safeguard certain species from over-exploitation. CITES was conceived in the spirit of such cooperation. Today, it accords changing grades of protection to more than 30,000 species of animate beings and workss, whether they are traded as unrecorded specimens, fur coats or dried herbs. CITES was drafted as a consequence of a declaration adopted in 1963 at a meeting of members of IUCN ( The World Conservation Union ) . The text of the Convention was eventually agreed at a meeting of representatives of 80 states in Washington DC. , United States of America, on 3 March 1973, and on 1 July 1975 CITES entered in force. The original of the Convention was deposited with the Depositary Government in the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish linguistic communications, each version being every bit reliable. CITES is an international understanding to which States ( states ) adhere voluntarily. States that have agreed to be bound by the Convention ( ‘joined ‘ Citations ) are known as Parties. Although CITES is lawfully adhering on the Parties aa‚ ¬ † in other words they have to implement the Convention aa‚ ¬ † it does non take the topographic point of national Torahs. Rather it provides a model to be respected by each Party, which has to follow its ain domestic statute law to guarantee that CITES is implemented at the national degree. Daft Contentss Page Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Purposes and aims 1.3 Methodology Chapter 2 2.1 illustrations of the environment issues 2.2 2.3 Chapter 3 3.1 UK environmental issues. 3.2 Regulations & A ; Practices. 3.2 Environment organisations. 3.4 UK Environment Agency. Chapter 4 4.1 Kuwait environmental issues. 4.2 Regulations & A ; Practices. 4.3 Environment organisations. 4.4 Environment Public Authority ( EPA ) . Chapter 5 5.1 Discussion 5.2 Decision 5.3 Recommendations Mention Appendixs Appendix a Appendix B Literature Review Differences in environmental coverage patterns in the UK and the US ( Leigh Holland & A ; Yee Boon Foo, 2002 ) The paper examines the current environmental coverage patterns in the UK and US one-year studies it besides suggests elements of the legal and regulative construction of each state that regulates the bing environmental activity, and so act upon the environmental public presentation, and find the types of revelations that is made. The survey has been designed in order to prove the proposition that legal and regulative contexts are of import in the development of environmental revelations, but recognizes other factors that may be involved. The attack was utilizing a little sample to supply indexs of farther research. Alternatively of prosecuting in either a longitudinal or an in-depth survey for a big figure of companies, therefore the experimental groundss are being exploratory instead than unequivocal. The environmental direction context is examined to show an account of recent developments in order to propose influences on describing pattern that may be of import. After there are some theoretical considerations that are examined to determine whether the types of revelation originating from regulative forces reveal that answerability dose exist in the revelation of environmental information, and to what extent dosage this revelation discharges the organisation ‘s answerability to the users of such information. Globalization and the built environment in Kuwait ( Yasser Mahgoub, 2004 ) This paper argues impact of globalisation on the built environment besides discusses tenseness between the localisation and globalisation forces in Kuwait. Since the center of the twentieth century globalisation that has been active in the Gulf country when it witnessed an express development and transmutation that permitted localisation and globalisation patterns to be more manifested. The purpose of this paper is to analyse groundss and effects of the localisation and globalisation procedures in the reinforced environment of Kuwait through following the transmutation of the built environment the twentieth century. This survey claims that the struggle of manners that is presently present in the reinforced environment is a contemplation of struggle between the globalisation and the localisation processes, and that the cultural forces that is presently finding the built environment, such as Islamic-Western, modern-traditional, and local-international, is the result of this tenseness. In the decision of the paper the procedures of localisation and globalisation are coexisting and inseparable, similar to many other parts of the universe, which are in a province of nonstop alterations and interaction. And that there is a demand for an alternate apprehension of what planetary architecture can be, one that understands the critical demand to conserve and esteem assortment every bit good as doctrines of people, infinite, and the interactions with and within the reinforced signifier. Comparative appraisal of EIA systems in MENA states: Challenges and chances ( Karma El-Fadl, Mutasem El-Fadel, 2004 ) This survey compares the legislative models of the MENA states, Environmental impact appraisal ( EIA ) is created as a determination tool in order to answer to the enforcing crestless wave of eco-centric apprehensivenesss to intercede between techno-centric position of sustained development and the capableness to make economic growing at the same clip as prevailing over the environmental jobs. This paper reveals position of EIA systems in the states of North Africa and Middle East part through a relative appraisal of the presented and planned processs and statute law. The incorporation of the pattern of EIA into a broad scope of civilizations and political systems reflecting the desire and demand to unite environmental considerations into the decision-making procedure. In decision there was foregrounding for some root cause of inadequate or hapless environmental direction public presentation throughout the part. Such as the consequence of poorness in rushing up the environmental debasement has been good established and recognized worldwide over the old ages. In add-on, environmental debasement is compounded with high rates of population growing and deficient degrees of instruction both at local populations and decision-making degrees. The analysis point out that there is deficient expertness and heed among the determination shapers and the populace, refering the significance of suited environmental direction and this is due to the low rate of implementing environmental statute law every bit good as deficiency of satisfactory environmental criterions and monitoring plans. Terrestrial & A ; Atmospheric Environment During & As ; After the Gulf War ( Tahir Husain, 1997 ) Appraisal of different pollutants in the tellurian environment as a consequence of Kuwaiti oil fires are presented in this survey. And the impacts of these pollutants on the environment and human wellness are besides briefly discussed. The most obvious environmental jobs emerged during the Gulf War were due to the largest oil spill on record and the torching of the oil Wellss in the Kuwaiti oil Fieldss. The Other environmental jobs were those associated with the harm done to the earthly environment due to the monolithic troop motions, the discharge of ammo during land and air conflicts, the possible release of toxic stuffs, and the ingestion of land and sea mines. In this survey there was a comparative rating during and after the Gulf War, based on the informations compiled on particulate affair concentration and gaseous pollutants at assorted locations within Kuwait. The analysis confirms that the concentration of gaseous pollutants and particulate affair during the oil fires in 1991 was much higher than in 1993. The economical and international dimensions of the environmental jobs, environmental jobs in the Black Sea part and the function of the voluntary organisations ( Nagehan Arslana, Mustafa Okmenb, 2005 ) Today environmental jobs have local, national and international facets. Where the environmental jobs in the Black Sea part are a good illustration, these jobs have affected all six states that have shores with the Black Sea. This survey analyses these jobs, and aims to comprehend the possible grounds for these jobs followed with suggestions to work out them taking into consideration the economic dimensions. Then it emphasizes the functions and importance of voluntary organisations in the procedure of work outing environmental jobs. The decision where basic stipulations to set about these jobs such as finding of the environmental state of affairs, development of a effectual, experienced applicable methods for support of proficient and institutional capacity, finding of investing demands in order to halt environmental pollution and decay. And that the solution proposals should include the fact that environmental jobs have legal, economic, societal, and political dimensions with their cumulative belongingss. The survey stressed that an analytical attack is needed for causes and result by analyzing the environmental jobs with local, regional and international belongingss. â€Å" State of the Art † – current cognition in the field Under the relevant European Directives, an Environmental Statement is the accepted merchandise of an Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental Statements are frequently prearranged in a manner that illustrates the environmental baseline, betterment and effects for each type of environmental receptors such as ecology, archeological resources, H2O resources, human existences etc. Contaminated land is frequently managed in the same ways as a assortment of environmental receptor groups, although it is chiefly a cause of impacts instead than a receptor. It besides frequently refers to a preexistent province and its destructive consequence is on a assortment of different receptors such as human wellness, edifices, groundwater characteristics, surface H2O characteristics and ecology. This means that land taint experts struggle with incorporating the issue in a logical mode in an Environmental Statement. And lodging to the structured attack of an environmental statement is critical to guarantee a clear image of the bing environmental status. Contaminated land in many states is considered to be on a source-pathway-receptor footing. This is critical to understand the impact that land development can hold on the topic of contaminated land. And development can interfere with any of these three elements. As a affair of fact It can present sensitive receptors through altering the usage of land, for case by constructing new residential units on a site that was before used for heavy industry. New tracts linking preexistent taint with a current receptor can be formed, for case when stacking throughout a non-permeable bed linking a bed of contaminated dirts with a deep aquifer. Finally by presenting pollutants on the site, a development undertaking can present possible beginnings of taint. And the 2nd component presently considered is the structured attack of an environmental statement. CURRENTLY IN KUWAIT The MDG 7 purposes for the incorporation of sustainable development rules into state ordinances, policies and programmes that was achieved in Kuwait when the Environment Public Authority ( EPA ) was established in 1995. The EPA is responsible for the direction and protection of environment. The EPA statute law establishing has given it a high profile necessitating the supreme council of the authorization chaired by the First Deputy Prime Minister. Harmonizing to the international categorization, and the geographical place of the state every bit good as the size, the proportion of land country covered by woods which is zero and the land country protected to keep a biological assortment is undistinguished as a per centum of the whole country of the state. Kuwait has experienced a systematic addition in GDP per unit of energy usage. The per centum of population that is utilizing solid fuels has been zero for a long clip on the history of the immensely developed nature of the society every bit good as on the history of the fact that the economic system is oil-based affecting the easiness of usage of non-solid fuels. Hence Kuwait is located in a desert part, with no woods ; there is no major deduction for utilizing solid fuels on the environment. Kuwaitis enjoy a nice criterion of life and accordingly, the per centum of population with sustainable entree to heighten beginnings of H2O has been 100 % for a extended period of clip. Therefore, the MDG 7 mark 10 has already been achieved. Sing the sum of people with entree to procure tenancy, approximately 99.7 % of Kuwaiti families had entree to procure tenancy as of December 2002. Of these, 11.6 % were populating in modern flats and 1.2 % life in traditional houses and extensions, and 86.9 % life in houses. The State of Kuwait, with a entire country of 17,820 kilometers, lies at the caput of the Arabian Gulf. It is bordered in the North and Northwest by Iraq, in the sou'-west and West by Saudi Arabia and it overlooks the Gulf to the E. Kuwait has a desert clime characterized by a long, dry hot summer, with temperatures sometimes even falling below four grades Celsius. The long-run mean one-year rainfall for the whole state historically was about 176 millimeters. The Arabian ( Persian ) Gulf is 1,000 kilometer by 200-300 kilometers broad, and is oriented north-west aa‚ ¬ † sou'-east. Very shallow, the mean deepness is merely approximately 36 m. The Environment of Kuwait suffered the worst oil pollution events in human history. On August 2, 1990 Kuwait was invaded by Iraqi military personnels. The environmental amendss ensuing from the invasion and the subsequent release war have affected all ecosystems, every bit good as human wellness. Seven hundred and eight oil Wellss were sabotaged or set on fire. Approximately two to three million barrels of petroleum oil, burned and unburned, were emitted daily during the release war for 300 yearss. Overall, 70 million barrels of oil contaminated 49 kilometer of the desert as oil lakes. Around 953 kilometer of the desert was oiled from the radioactive dust of greasy atoms. The oil taint of the tellurian ecosystems reached degrees on an unprecedented graduated table in the history of the planet. The impacts on the environment will take decennaries to partly vanish and their full effects may ne'er be realized. The oil taint of the sea has had less serious impacts in the Kuwaiti Marine environment, and the natural recovery has improved the state of affairs over clip. Presently, the coral reefs appear healthy and the measure of runt harvested each twelvemonth is similar to the 1s recorded before the war. These findings do non place the more long-run impacts of the taint on Marine ecosystems and populating species. Twelve old ages after the war. The visual aspect of the environment is much better. The marine resources still have a great potency and are a chief part to the nutrient supply in Kuwait. The oil production statistics demonstrate that oil production in Kuwait after the war has full recovered. Battle with supervisor Capable countries discussed and drumhead of aid given Evidence of meetings see attached signifiers Programme to Completion Capable countries discussed and drumhead of aid given Updated version of your Initial Project Proposal Transcript from the initial entry with alterations clearly indicated